Sunday, September 1, 2024

Mariposario in Jocotepec Field Trip - Saturday August 31st, 2024

Our Growers Group decided to take a field trip to the Mariposario (butterfly nursery) in Jocotepec.  The Mariposario is the large black netted structure in the the background in the photo below.  The Mariposario is an independently funded project supported by BioTu.  The mission of BioTU is to facilitate the transition to a sustainable Mexico, where the current consumption of resources does not compromise the needs of future generations. Our vision is to assist citizens to become informed about the environmental challenges being confronted in order to collaborate in creating solutions in sustainability and renewable energy for their communities.

Our primary guide that day was Eva Asher (in the cool rain boots, center).  Eva is bilingual and she and her team are based lakeside and tend to and work at the Mariposario location.  The Mariposario is housed on the grounds of the local, public high school, CETAC - Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos en Aguas Continentales.

BioTu's Logo

BioTu's Sponsors

BioTu's Van

Bamboo Igloo (exterior)

The Mariposario consists of the butterfly nursery, natural materials/construction kitchen, a dry compost toilet, organic food gardens, a natural biofiltration pool, aquaponics farms and a bamboo igloo used for meetings and gatherings.

Bamboo Igloo (interior)

Bamboo Stool

Rocket Stove

The natural materials constructed kitchen is in use everyday.  It has a rocket stove, a solar dehydrator, a solar oven and natural filtration water system.

Eva shows us the solar dehydrator

and the Solar Oven

Inside the Mariposario

Inside the Mariposario, which is a walk through structure, you see the many plants that attract the various butterflies that arrive in Jocotepec.

Some of the butterflies and the foods that attract them.

The Biofiltration Pool

The Dry Compost Toilet

Eva in the lush organic gardens

All in all it was a wonderful visit and we plan on returning to see the continual development of the project.

The Growers Group Members and the Mariposario Team

A special Gracias to all the Mariposario crew:

Eva Asher, Marcos Llamas, Neftali Valdivia, Jocelyn Villa Gomez, Laura Chavez and Ignacio.

To visit the Mariposario, contact Suzette Amado, coordinator at and schedule a visit.

Or catch them on Facebook at BioTu.

(photo courtesy of Lezlie Green)



Thursday, May 9, 2024

Poco A Poco Community Center Inauguration - Wed. May 8th, 2024

On my way to our meeting point for our carpooling trip to San Pedro Itzican, I strolled through La Floresta and saw this magnificent Tabachin tree.  It was a precursor of more wonderful things to come.

After a warm and adventurous hour of driving we arrived at the Poco A Poco Community Center in San Pedro Itzican.  Everyone had done a stellar job of preparation, and our own Miriam was at the
site, with flowers in hand, ready for the festivities.

Everyone waited excitedly for the big opening.

Kari Higgins, founding member of Poco A Poco, did the honors.
The ribbon was cut and the Community Center was officially open for business.

Our brand new kitchen stood at the ready.  Soon this space would be transformed
into a working service area, serving the children and community of San Pedro Itzican.

The children were settled and waiting patiently for their daily meal.

Food was brought out and served quickly from the kitchen.

Our volunteers waited on the children, making sure everyone had a full plate.

While the food was eaten, we found other activities at the Center.  Vicente and Dr. Salvador had set up
shop in our adjacent bodega.  Dr. Salvador, our ophthalmologist, attended to patients, giving
eye exams and prescriptions for eyeglasses.  All this at no cost to the people of San Pedro Itzican.

I noticed Dr. Salvador's attention to detail, his patience with the children and with the whirlwind
of activities around him.  He was amazing!

Thoroughness was key in his examinations.

Vincente purchased the eyeglass frames at very low cost in the United States
then brought them to San Pedro Itzican.

There was also a glaucoma machine for further testing.

We were honored to have with us, on this inaugural day, 2 of the architectural
design team from Tec de Monterrey University.  The class, led my
Maestro "Nacho" Ignacio German Osuna Eskenazi was responsible
for creating the winning design selection for the Community Center.

As the afternoon rolled on, we found time to catch up with old friends.

And finally, after the meal was done, Anita Torres Guerrero
made sure all the children cleaned up after themselves.

It was a perfect inauguration.

Thank you to the people of the town of San Pedro Itzican, to our volunteers, 
to our supporters and our guest, who made the trek out to San Pedro Itzican.

We could not have done any of this without your help.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Centro Comunitario Poco A Poco, San Pedro Itzican

Today was a special day in San Pedro Itzican.  The Oxxo Corporation was visiting to deliver the last of their donations and we all showed up to receive the gifts.

Our new ramp at the Poco A Poco Community Center - San Pedro Itzican

Kari and Lydia Look On

The children eagerly anticipated the delivery and the meal
they were about to receive.

Jose Regino kept the kids busy while they waited.

Fabian from Querer y Hacer welcomed everyone and explained their part in the work that is being done in San Pedro Itzican.

As the donations were unloaded everyone pitched in to help.

The donations came from Querer y Hacer, Oxxo and Cruz Roja.

The kids kept busy.  Their morning meal was a bit delayed today due to the 
donation event.

Unpacking was done by all.

The new stainless steel pots and pans were beautiful to behold.

In addition to the food despensas, Oxxo also brought new tables and chairs for the

One of our latest programs to get off the ground is the San Pedro Bakery project.
Here Anita is introducing the project to the donation representatives.

New appliances await to be used in the production of baked goods and breads.

Our new horno or oven.

After all the activity and speeches, it was finally time to eat!

Our Oxxo photographer/Drone Master documented the day's proceedings.

Nancy and the photographer from Oxxo and our own Gaby

 The Learning Garden next door was full of activity.  Corazón De La Tierra teaches
sustainable growing practices here, helping the people relearn how to grow healthy food.

Looking towards the future, you see the second story addition to the Centro Comunitario.
These spaces will house offices and multipurpose workspaces and are the start of phases II of the 
building project.

Where there is beauty, there will always be hope.

Our thanks to the hard working people of San Pedro Itzican, Oxxo, Querer y Hacer, Cruz Roja and all our wonderful volunteers and supporters.

It does take a village.