Saturday, July 17, 2021

Mexican Institute for Community Development A.C.

We were recently invited to tour CEDE/IMDEC, a community development project on the outskirts of Guadalajara located in Oblatos, near the Barranca de Huentitan.



To promote, together with other community, civil, and citizen organizations and with social movements in Mexico, processes of Education and Popular Communication, which contribute to the strengthening of the validity of Human Rights, the construction of Democracy and Sustainable Local Development from a perspective of Gender, in favor of groups and communities that have violated their rights. 


At IMDEC we aspire to be an organization that contributes to the construction of emancipatory paradigms and to live in a democratic, equitable, inclusive society and in harmony with nature. Where peace is the fruit of justice and human rights are fully exercised by all.

Doris Wakeman, Poco A Poco San Pedro Itzican with Sandy Menier, IMDEC and Professor 
Ignacio "Nacho" G. Osuna Eskenazi from TEC DE MONTERREY

We had been told by Ignacio that the IMDEC had a wonderful, sustainably built, ecological kitchen that might work as a prototype for our design of the San Pedro Itzican Community Center, that we are currently developing.

The kitchen proved to be a great example of what could be accomplished with sustainable materials and practices.  It is a great design starting point from our perspective.


The main house is constructed with variations of a technique called Bahareque.

Bahareque uses construction material similar to adobe, 
consisting of clay or mud reinforced with sticks or canes.

Bahareque Samples

The variation in color comes from the different soil sources.

Ceiling Treatments


As the center is used for gatherings, workshops and conferences it also houses a dormitory
and separate adobe house for guests.

Dry Compost Toilet

Several dry compost toilets are available for guest's use.

Water Catchment System

Rainwater is captured throughout the property

And empties into a large catchment pond at the bottom of the hill.

The rainwater is used in the dry season to water several plant gardens.

Heirloom Corn Garden

The center is named for its founder and educator Carlos Nuñez Hurtado.