Today was Michicihualli Day at Vivero La Esperanza.
I read to the children the book of the legend of Michicihaulli, the goddess of
Lake Chapala. The children had not heard the legend, but they had heard part of
the story...the part where only the first born of the family is able to cut the whirlwind storm funnel serpent and dissipate the storm in honor of Michicihualli. In return Michicihualli agreed to protect our people from natural disasters, as long as we take care of and respect her
"medio ambiente" or environment.
Michicihualli by Antonio Lopez Vega
After the reading the children drew their visions and thoughts.
Andrea Belen's Drawing
Karlas' Drawing
Then it was time to germinate some seeds, preparing for winter harvest.
Emily wanted to re-brand our Vivero.
We germinated/planted seeds of Swiss Chard, Red Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Broccoli,
and a surprise mix of seeds we call "Potpourri".
Mino added to her Keyhole Garden from our germination table.
Jayden's harvest was a bit suspect?
We've been experimenting with paper made from our Lirio, or water hyacinth. My partner Brad asked if we had any Okra, and I remember that my friend Mary Wolf had donated Okra seed. We found these 3 plants that were growing and will be used in the Lirio paper making process.
The Vivero is home to many creatures. This moma hen brings her chicks to graze frequently.
Our latest addition is Rosi, Juliana's mother and Jayden's grandmother. She has asked for a parcel to grow food, so our community garden grows.
Stay tuned.