Wednesday, August 26, 2020

++ Giving Thanks To Mother Earth For What She Gives To Us ++

Huerto Coxala

Opening Circle

Our Huerto Project Coordinator, Monica Masini Aguilera, led us in a indigenous ritual of thanks for the wonderful resources that Pacha Mama has given us...the earth, the water, the sun, the air.

Monica explained to us the significance of all the items used in our opening circle and ritual.

Part of the ritual was selecting items that were brought for the ofrenda or offering to Mother Earth.

Each one of us selected the best of our offerings creating a beautiful gift.

A hole was dug and the items placed individually along with an intent or prayer.

Sabrina placing her offering.

One by one we placed our offerings.

I had baked a garden squash/sweet potato pie with coconut crust for the garden group
and selected the first piece as my offering.

We closed the circle and then decided to have some pie before our garden work started.

Watermelon plants

Even though we are technically into the rainy season, we water when needed.

Our horses and donkeys also needed watering.

Kale baby plants are growing.


Corn is reaching towards the sky.



Tomato plants

We are also working on our compost area.  Today we cut and fitted chicken wire
over the area.

If you read our blog you know that we are also growing cotton trees in the Huerto.

Nature has a way of making the most out of all a couple of pictures

of what a mother hummingbird does with the cotton fiber...a work of beauty.

Dario and the Cotton Tree

Watch us grow!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

+++++++++++ Huerto Coxala en San Juan Cosala ++++++++++++

Huerto Coxala

Our planting field is starting to take shape.

We're seeing growth of beans and broccoli.

Every week we are clearing more land and planting more seed.

Sweet Peas are making their appearance.

And our seed stock is growing, thanks to the generosity of friends like
Brad 'Mulch" Mowers, who donated more heirloom seeds to the huerto.

Gracias Brad!

Irma's corn was ready to harvest, so we helped ourselves to some ears.

And decided to have a corn roast!

Fco. teaching

A wood fire was started in an old wheelbarrow and next thing you know.
corn was "a cookin'".

We also took on a huerto mascot....Soruya.

She also enjoyed a few ears of corn.

Irma's garden is growing quickly now with the rains, 
as is the entire Huerto Coxala.

Planting Seeds of Change, Creating Change.

Watch us grow!