Sunday, November 10, 2019

++++++++++ Poco A Poco....One Step At A Time +++++++++++

New Tools Arrive at Vivero La Esperanza

Thanks to a grant from The Lake Chapala Garden Club we were able to purchase
tools for our garden.  Up until now, we were reliant on donated tools, which were
fine but not inclusive of some tools very needed to work we have them!

New Tools Labeled and Ready To Use

Our teachers are phenomenal....Barbara Reinhart always has an idea for teaching the community,
from gardening videos to reading books while we work.

Maestro Brad Mowers teaches the community about proper heirloom 
plant propagation and seed germination.

 Priscilla Taylor brought A Garden Of Words for the kids to review
and practice their garden English.

Our Amaranth was ready to harvest.

Emily Ruth and Francisco noticed that the bromeliads needed
seperating, so they set to work.

And our concrete pots/plate maceta work continued to evolve.

As a special treat Barb brought Caprese Salad for the community to try...some took to it immediately.
The balsamic vinegar was a new ingredient for the kids.

 Newly arrived snowbird, Lulu enjoyed being in the garden again.

Priscilla gifted the garden with several Foldscope Instruments to be used in our garden study.

 Our Brigadista Garden Coordinator, Juliana arranged for the fence breach to be 
fixed, hopefully not allowing the roaming local horse to get into our garden.

Today we tried making concrete stepping stones with leaf prints.

Tune in next week to see the results.

A big Gracias to all our amazing volunteers and supporters.

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