This past Saturday the Vivero was busy with several projects.
Each week we try to weed, work at maintenance and beautification of the garden,
start seeds for germination and continue planting.
Our friend Priscilla Taylor brought scented geranium cuttings and
taught the kids how to plant them properly.
Inspired by Priscilla's efforts, Francisco remembered he had geranium cuttings at home
and ran to retrieve them. The girls planted these as well.
My friend Alfredo asked if we had any guayaba trees, so we dug up a young
tree and planted it in a pot for him.
Keyhole Garden
Our keyhole garden continues to give us wonderful food. Mino and Felipe returned this
week to harvest and admire the growth of our plants.
Garden Art Projects
Barbara Reinhart always has wonderful ideas. Today she brought materials for a
recycled bottle, vase project.
We also continue work on our concrete Hyper Tufa platters and pots,
As well as stepping stones for the garden.
Jayden's vase was a hit!
Emily Ruth's platter turned out beautifully.
She still wants to sand down the edges before completion.
Thank you Barbara Stone for the Krinkle Cut food donation.
Soil & Compost Arrival
With the funds from our friends at the Lake Chapala Garden Club we were able
to purchase more compost and soil from our friend Rebeca Cruz,
of Riberas del Pilar.
Our garden mascot, Lulu watched all the work attentively.
Mustard greens were on the harvest menu. Barbara was going to wrap her fish with it
and I was going to try chicken with the greens.
China and her harvest of cilantro.
Our jamaica continues to grow and now has flowers,
almost ready to harvest.
Our abundant basil plants gifted us with heavenly scented herb.
It's amazing what a good pruning can do. Our naranjo is doing well.
And we are starting to see plant growth in our garden bed, underneath the leaf mulch.
We've been drying our garden material and added it to our compost pile.
Along with new green garden cuttings and water, the pile continues to compost.
New Community Garden Parcels
Rosi and Sonia
Our first 2 community garden parcels were given to sisters Rosi and Sonia of San Juan Tecomatlan.
The kids all worked excitedly to prepare the soil for the parcels.
Rosi and Sonia are an integral part of the community and are related to everyone in town
in some way.
They are mothers, aunts, cousins, sister-in-laws, comadres, everyone knows them.
The sisters decided to plant broccoli, kale, cauliflower, spinach and lettuce in their parcels.
Lastly the kids made signs for the new parcels...a nice touch.
We always have maintenance to do. Emily Ruth led the charge, along with Juliana
to weed and clean up the week's unruly growth.
Juliana's husband Javier brought his Weed-o and cleaned up the lot in front of our
germination station....gracias Javier!
Work Table
As our inventory increases, we look forward to our next
Vivero Garden Sale set for sometime in the Spring of 2020.
Watch us grow!
Gracias a todos.