Sunday, December 10, 2017

Artisanal Paper Making Workshop for San Pedro Itzican, La Cuesta and Ojo de Agua - Taller de Papel Artesanal para San Pedro Itzican, La Cuesta y Ojo de Agua

Once again, Maestro Brad "Mulch" Mowers welcomed the Brigadistas and
ladies from the towns of Las Cuesta and Ojo de Agua into his studio.

Gracias Maestro Mowers. 

 Workshop - Atelier

We started with a tour of Brad's studio, looking at his wonderful work and projects.
The youth were able to see the different types of paper products the Maestro has made,
inspiring their creativity and imaginations.


Many ideas resonated with the paper makers that day.  They said they'd like to duplicate
the efforts and products in their own paper making workshop in Mezcala.

Brad walked us through the paper making process.

Rene makes pulp from recycled paper and natural fibers.

Everyone got their hands wet and made a variety of beautiful papers.

Garden Gnomes

Mixing up the pulp

Natural elements were collected from San Pedro Itzican and the Ribera areas.

Mimi's beautiful paper

Evelyn worked diligently on this creaton.

 More beauty.

At the end of the day our work was hung to dry.

The youth also tried their hand at paper painting with natural pigments.

With our work done it was time for refreshments and reflection. 

 And as the sun started to set, we bid adieu to our wonderful crew.


 Your hosts.

 Next stop...Mezcala to set up a paper making workshop/studio at the Brigadistas home office.

Until the next visit, be well.

Fco. y Brad