Monday, December 9, 2019

+++++++++++++ Graduations and Milestones +++++++++++++

A very special day for 2 Brigadistas from San Pedro Itzican and the people who support their growth
and advancement.  Dany Damian Ponce Loza and Jose Regino Rivera Solano having completed their 
Preparatoria or High School careers were now to enroll at the Universidad Regional
Chapala Loyola in Ajijic to study Pedagogia to become Teachers.

Dany and Jose start their paperwork

Enrollment was early on a Saturday morning and Anita Torres Guerrero and I were present
to assist with the process.

It's truly awe inspiring how the universe works sometimes.  We met the school director, Sr. Moises Rodriguez, who listened to our introduction and soon was volunteering assistance for the students in the way of tuition discounts.  Sr. Rodriguez explained that the school covered only 30% of their costs via tuition.  They are an independent educational institute that focuses on social work and helping students from needy communities attain their educational goals. 

We definitely were in the right place.

Dany and Jose were given their official campus shirts and were ready to start classes in Jan. 2020. 

As we made our way thru enrollment we ended up at the financial officer's quarters.

We met Sr. Ruben Salazar, who noticed the Brigadista's Proteccion Civil shirts.  Sr. Salazar told us that he had worked as Director of the Bomberos, Proteccion Civil in Jocotepec for many years.  He showed us his badge proudly and told us that he knows how difficult our work is and commended us on it.  
The boys beamed.

Pupilo Program Graduation

The day was just getting started.  This same day Dany was also graduating from the 
Pupilo Program of Chapala.

PUPILO seeks to create a social impact by giving leadership tools with a focus on actions that change the lives of young people.

PUPILO is an innovative non-profit initiative that is constantly growing thanks to the volunteering of entrepreneurs and professionals involved with society.

The room was filled with students, their mentors and supporters.

Anita Torres Guerrero was honored for her work with youth.

My friend Roberto (Beto) Serrano was also honored for his work in the area.

Our own Yanin Saavedra provided beautiful, inspiration music at the event.

Dany and Francisco Diaz Marques, Brigadistas were both part of the program.

Leaders Antonio, Margarita y Juan Carlos

An amazing, inspirational's to many more to come!

Friday, November 29, 2019

++++++++++++++++++ Animals In The Garden ++++++++++++++++

Today Dr. Lalo brought information and images of one of the animals
in our garden...we started out observing the whole, small animal
and gradually witnessed how the images magnified its features...

Little by little the animal grew and grew...and we discussed
its purpose, function, characteristics and use as it
related to the garden.

Finally the eye was magnified and discussed.

Can you guess which animal we discussed?

Garden Hedge

The older kids started working on clearing and planting a Jade plant hedge.

While the adult volunteers got cracking on the Compost pile

And Garden Beds.

Some of the younger Brigadistas chose to germinate more seeds.

And then segwayed into replanting the Earth Box.

Lulu is one of the most "chill" dogs I've every met.  Even while watching the mother hen
and her 8 chicks, she was so centered.

While our Mustard bed continued to give us harvest 

Our small seed starters were growing nicely, albeit slowly.

Finally, at the end of our work morning, Priscilla gifted our group with a bit of repose;
wonderful German bread, queso Panela and fruit, with a little garden basil...a perfect Almuerzo
after a beautiful morning of gardening.

Gracias to all the generous souls who volunteer their time, 
efforts, resources and love to help make this happen.

Happiest of Holidays.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

+++ Traditional Dance Troupe of San Pedro Itzican Premieres +++

When the stars align, magic happens.

We started the day with our sales tables at the Lake Chapala Society's
Annual Holiday Fair.  Kari Higgins and Doris Wakeman arranged for us to have 2
tables to sell the products of the Women's Jewelry Collective and the knitting of the
Knitting Group, as well as the work of friends Maggie and Patrica Moran.

Proceeds of the sales go to support our efforts in San Pedro Itzican.

Traditional Dance Troupe of San Pedro Itzican Premieres in Ajijic.

Then it was off to Ajijic Plaza to meet Anita Torres Guerrero and the Traditional Dance Troupe of San Pedro Itzican.  They were going to perform in the main plaza for the first time in Ajijic.

Along with Maestro Pedro Zamora, the troupe was here to raise funds for medications
for the 60 + families in San Pedro Itzican that are dealing with various stages of renal failure.

Although Poco A Poco helps raise funds to support the work of the Brigadistas of San Pedro Itzican (a large youth group work force that services the 9 villages of the San Pedro Itzican area), the money we raise is not sufficient to cover all the costs of medication.

The kids were brilliant.

They performed an opening ritual and then performed their Sword Dance,
a dramatic feat.

As the stars dictated my friend's from Chiapas were also in the plaza to perform.
Sergio and Tomak form part of a professional traditional dance troupe named "Ce Oliin"
from San Cristobal, Chiapas.

This was a wonderful opportunity for the youth of San Pedro Itzican to observe and learn 
from the Maestros.

Tomak y Sergio

After the two performances there was time to meet and greet...

...and to celebrate and eat.  Neila and her husband hosted the group at local eatery Merendero.

A grand time was had by all.

Gracias to all our supportive angels.

Poco A Poco we are making a difference.