Sunday, February 24, 2019

++++++++++++++++Dump Trucks and Bobcats+++++++++++++++

"If they give you lemons, make lemonade!"

Today I found out that the lot we were given to garden in, was used as a landfill
site when they paved the street in front.  No wonder we keep finding large rocks and pieces of concrete as we try to clear the land.

Barbara and I were trying to meet this challenge when Barb had a brilliant idea...Call J.P.

John Paul Dwyer is a General Construction & Remodeling expert with many
years of experience in the Lakeside area.

He is also an angel.

He quickly came to our rescue when Barbara called.  He suggested that we use topsoil instead of digging out the landfill site....and offered his machines and crew.  Next thing I know we're driving down the carretera, looking at his soil selections, he is sending a truckload of the stuff to the Vivero and to top it all off, will also send his guy with a Bobcat to distribute the soil.

Soil being delivered.

After the soil delivery, we waited for the Bobcat to arrive.  Just like clockwork, The Mayor decided to pay us a visit to see how the nursery was progressing and found lots of action on the site.

The Baby Bobcat came humming down the street and soon was fast at work distributing the soil.

The soil distributed, it was time for us to get to work, clearing any stones and spreading the final mounds.

A new volunteer, Ana daughter of Doña Catalina, came to the garden today.  Ana is a university student studying Civil Engineer, a bright and strong force herself.  She has experience in gardening both here and in Mexico City and was a wonderful resource.

Soon the newly delivered soil was transformed into true planting beds.

Tune in next week to see how the gardens grow.

We'd like to thank our gardening angel, J.P. Dwyer for his quick and generous assistance with our vivero, Barbara Reinhart, Paula Whittingham, The Mayor, The Brigadistas and the lovely people of San Juan Tecomatlan for allowing us to make this happen in their town.

1 comment:

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