Tuesday, February 5, 2019

+++++++++++++++++++Girls and Power Tools+++++++++++++++++

(Photos courtesy of Douglas Miller's phone)

So we continue preparing our planting area at the Vivero La Esperanza.  It is hot, dry, dusty work.

It isn't a surprise that we get tired quickly and look for shade and distraction.

(BTW I'm looking for a horse and plow to help the process)

Our volunteer, Douglas Miller, continues to gift wonderful instruction to the youth.

I gave a pre-soil session on why soil health is so important to our vivero.

My 3 students were very attentive and soaked in the info.  We amended the soil with worm tea, germination soil and compost.

Earth Box being planted.

 Our germination table


The name "lasagnaing" refers. to the method of building the garden, which is, essentially, adding layers of organic materials that will “cook down” over time, resulting in rich, fluffy soil that will help your plants thrive.

Also known as “sheet composting,” lasagna gardening is great for the environment because you're using your yard and kitchen waste and essentially composting it in place to make a new garden.

No-dig, No-till

Girls With Drills

Our vivero sign was yelling to be hung, so Douglas brought his power tools.

Teaching the concepts of measurement, resourcefulness and safety, we set to work.

Seems everyone was interested.

Not to be ignored, our young ladies took the to the drill quite naturally.

The youth all seemed comfortable with the process.

The girls found wire and and clippers and soon the newly drilled sign was ready for hanging.

A humble start, with a lot of heart!

We'd like to thank Paula Wittingham of Vista Del Lago for her generous donations throughout, especially our new white tabes and chairs.

And Gracias to all the volunteers, youth and people of San Juan Tecomatlan
who allowed us to set up shop in their community.

Watch Us Grow!

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