We finally settled into our home...at least initially...and I have had a chance to take a few images to share with you. Our neighborhood is called Riberas Del Pillar. It is situated on the Lago de Chapala. It is a small 2 bedroom 2 bath with separate studio...in which Brad is presently seated, listening to Beethoven. We plan on converting it into a working weaving, painting and design studio for now. I told Brad that if Salvador Dali had written music, it would sound like Chopin. During my writing I hear a ragtime movement in the classic piece. Apparently Beethoven wrote this piece after he became completely deaf...he must have channeled the future, amongst his other talents. I didn't know time travel was part of his repertoire.
So our house exterior is painted with cobalt blue walls and orange trim. The property gate is painted in bright orange, so you can't miss it from the cobble stoned street...very Mexican palette outside, with more subdued interiors.
Our dining room is the first thing you see as you enter.
And our living room is a comfortable burnt copper color with lots of light. The artwork is indigenous Huichol with Talavera ceramics. The furniture Mexican worked wood.
Huichol String Art
We have a wonderful back patio with Equipales, where we experience the "bird show" every morning over coffee and pan dulce.

Our small yard complete with banana tree and well.
Our studio...which will become a working shop soon...just as soon as I finish unpacking.
Studio interior.
And so from our new home we ventured out yesterday, Sunday. It was Palm Sunday and we knew that festivities were in progress. We headed for Ajijic which has the central plaza to see what was brewing...and there was plenty to see...so forgive all the photos.
Papel Picado...what can I say? It is a beautiful symbol of the element of air...of our spirits, soaring...of the Lady of the Lake blowing through the valleys and waterways. It is my heart flapping to the rhythm of life, of the wings of the many birds found here...of music dancing through the streets.
Our local church in Ajijic.
El hermoso Lago de Chapala
Los globos. I've always been fascinated with these Mexican balloons, and have imagined that one day I will buy all the globos from the vendor and give them out free to the children in the plaza...imagine how happy everyone will be...both vendor and children.
Jugos Mecanicos....one for my friend "Katy". xo.
Everywhere we went we were greeted with celebration....of life, of the day, of nature.
Mural - J.V. Lopez Vega - Lake Chapala Society wall
And it seemed every street that we walked had a mural done by our friend J.V Lopez Vega. Local Mexican artist Jesus Lopez Vega painted this wonderful mural on the wall just outside the entrance of the LCS on the street leading to the Lake. Lopez Vega often uses animals and ancient symbols to illustrate his work. The small objects under the turtle figure are clay vessels often found on the Lake shore when the water is low. In ancient times they were used to collect blood from body piercings, along with other sacred substances. The vessels were then thrown into the Lake as an offering to the gods. These delicate 500+ year-old objects are in Jesus' studio.
Public art is see everywhere and helps to tell the story of place. This mural depicts the annual ritual and offering to the lake deities in early May of each year.
When I first started coming to Chapala, I would see a flamboyant figure walking down the colorful streets of Ajijic....and the figure was even more flamboyant than the town he strolled through...which was saying alot! This local celebrity is named Pepe Local. I had heard from the townspeople that Pepe had been ill of health lately. Naturally, I worried about him. It was a great joy to see him out and about in town on Palm Sunday. He used a walking cart now....but he didn't fail to give it his touch of style. He normally rides around town in his donkey-pulled cart. His donkey's toenails are usually painted bright pink and his donkey wears a headdress of flowers...quite a sight to see.
While Brad and I had drinks on a terrace overlooking the main plaza, Pepe arrived. Everyone knew him...and he was treated regally, as should be. It made my heart lighter to know he was well enough to stroll. Brad told him "it is good to see you out and about". Pepe contemplated this for a minute and respond "Yes, it is".
As we continued strolling through the town and along the Malecon, we ran into this interesting specimen of Dragon Tree, being photographed with my new favorite celebrity.
And we waited and waited for the Palm Sunday procession to start. The streets were first cleared of all automobiles. Alfalfa was strewn to cover the cobble stones. And then Jesus arrived upon a donkey, making his way to the local church, being fanned by palms.
The procession was mostly local followers, with a few ex-pats thrown into the mix.
We enjoyed the day, it's fesitivies, food and celebration....but all this activity pulled us to our home....to siesta.
Wishing you and yours a lovely, deep, rest filled siesta.
Hasta pronto,
Fco. y Brad (zzzzzzzzzzzzz)
Whoa, it's so stunning there. I am in love with your new home (and can totally see why you're so happy). One perk of this religion thing, more fesitvals!